184 | Demand Dynamics | Energy Exemplar

We discuss optimizing utility assets with software, addressing challenges in the evolving energy landscape, and the roles of renewables, AI, and storage solutions in grid management and future energy demands, with Energy Exemplar CEO David Wilson. MORE

183 | Power Pivot | Hyliion

We discuss how Hyliion’s transition from EV trucks to their versatile Karno generator, has opened up new opportunities, with Founder and CEO Thomas Healy. MORE

182 | Greener GPUs | Nvidia

We discuss how Nvidia is increasing efficiency while delivering AI and other new solutions for customers, with Sr. Director of Sustainability Josh Parker. MORE

181 | Carbon Clarity | Locus Bio-Energy

We discuss the first-of-its-kind certification for reducing greenhouse gases in the oilfield, with Locus Bio-Energy VP Marty Shumway. MORE

180 | ISO Insights | PowerGen ’24 (Live)

We discuss the dynamics at play in three of the most dynamic energy storage ISOs, with market designers from CAISO, ERCOT, and CAISO. Recorded at the PowerGen Intl. show in New Orleans. MORE

179 | Cloud Confidence | ACCURE Battery Intelligence

We discuss the potential to maximize safety and profitability of energy storage through cloud computing with ACCURE Battery Intelligence CEO Kai-Phillip Kaires. MORE

178 | Lighter Lift | Upwing Energy

We discuss how a novel innovation for pushing natural gas to the surface can dramatically reduce CO2 emissions with Upwing Energy President & CEO Herman Artinian. MORE

177 | Perovskite Performance | Caelux

We explore the potential for perovskites to enhance the efficiency of solar cells with Caelux CEO Scott Graybeal. MORE

176 | Solar Sentiment | Transect

We discuss the potential to use AI to gauge public support for solar projects with Transect co-founder & CEO Robin Laine. MORE

175 | Substantial Salton | Berkeley Lab

We discuss the recent study showing how much lithium exists under California’s Salton Sea with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory lead Pat Dobson. MORE

174 | Gasified Garbage | Reformed Energy

We discuss the potential to tap a nearly inexhaustible supply of garbage for fuel and energy with Reformed Energy’s Head of Technology Development, Bill Smith. MORE

173 | Mini Microgrid | Idaho National Laboratory

We discuss what INL’s "Microgrid in a Box " can mean for resiliency and recovery from a blackstart with Energy & Grid Systems Integration group lead Kurt Myers. MORE

172 | Holistic HVAC | Trane

We explore how analytics to microgrids are expanding services complementing Trane’s HVAC systems, with Energy Services Sales Director Becky Wacker. MORE

Episode 171 | Liquid Lead | newcleo

We examine the potential to combine mixed-oxide fuel and a lead-cooled fast reactor design for small nuclear, with newcleo CEO Stefano Buono. MORE

170 | Triple Transmission | WSP

We discuss a NREL report prescribing three times the transmission infrastructure in place today, in order to achieve 100% clean energy, with WSP SVP-Energy Mike Case. MORE

169 | European Exploration | MCF Energy

We discuss plans by one company to restart onshore gas drilling in Germany and Austria with MCF Energy CEO Jim Hill. MORE

168 | Crypto Complement | Digital Power Optimization

We explore the potential for utilities to use crypto mining as a solution for unused energy, with DPO co-founder and CEO Andrew Webber. MORE

167 | Breaker Breakthrough | Atom Power

I discuss the journey Charlotte-based Atom Power has made to become the world’s first commercial solid-state circuit breaker, and their strategic decision to focus on the EV charging market, with CEO (and my former boss) Ryan Kennedy. MORE

166 | Algae Alternatives | Bioenergy Technologies Office (DOE)

We discuss the potential to harness algae as a sustainable fuel, as well as its potential to clean up the environment, with Bioenergy Technologies Office (DOE) Technology Project Manager Christy Sterner. MORE

165 | Clean Colors | UNC CleanTech ’23 (Live)

For a panel on "The Many Colors of Hydrogen, " we discuss how multiple energy families can produce carbon-free H2, with guests from Black & Veatch, Monolith Corp., and NuScale. Recorded live at UNC CleanTech. MORE

164 | Real-time Results | Copper Labs

We explore the potential to use real-time data to unlock detailed information that can benefit both utilities and their customers, with Copper Labs CEO Dan Forman. MORE

163 | Battery Business | PowerGen ’23 (Live)

We discuss different financial models for energy storage and how they vary by region, with Juan Arteaga (Enverus), Mark Scherluebbe (EY Parthenon), and Andrew Chen (CIT Group). Recorded at the PowerGen International show in Orlando. MORE

162 | Hydrogen Hubs | Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Technology Office

We discuss the roadmap to widespread hydrogen adoption with Department of Energy Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Technology Office (Dept. of Energy) Director Sunita Satyapal, Ph.D. MORE

161 | CadTel Cells | Toledo Solar

We explore the benefits of cadmium telluride solar cells and the specific market strategy Toledo Solar is pursuing as a domestic manufacturer, with Founder/Chmn./CEO Aaron Bates. MORE

160 | Local Lithium | Investissement Québec

We discuss the potential to both mine and manufacturer lithium in North America with Ressources Québec (Investissement Québec) VP Jean-Francois Beland. MORE

159 | Simplified SMRs | Last Energy

We discuss the strategy Last Energy is adopting to quickly commercialize their small modular reactors with Founder and CEO Bret Kugelmass. MORE

158 | Fusion First | Lawrence Livermore Nat’l Lab

We discuss the historic fusion announcement with Tammy Ma, lead for the Inertial Fusion Energy Initiative at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, where the breakthrough was achieved. MORE

157 | LNG Logistics | Glenfarne Energy Transition

We discuss process to bring two Gulf Coast LNG terminals online with Glenfarne Group Founder & CEO Brendan Duval. MORE

156 | Reliably Rechargeable | Zinc Battery Initiative

We explore the benefits of a new generation of rechargeable zinc batteries and a path to widespread adoption with Zinc Battery Initiative Manager Josef Daniel-Ivad. MORE

155 | Fast Fission | Oklo

We discuss the potential to build smaller nuclear reactors using spent nuclear fuel with Oklo head of business development Brian Gitt. MORE

154 | Efficient Engine | LiquidPiston

We explore an innovative new engine design and the potential it could have on the energy sector with LiquidPiston founder and CEO Alec Shkolnik. MORE

153 | Mining Minerals | Gold Express Mines

We discuss the potential to mine more critical minerals domestically with Gold Express Mines founder and executive director Howard Crosby. MORE

152 | Fine Flotilla | NoviOcean

We discuss the potential for wave energy to provide reliable power and potentially complement offshore wind energy with NoviOcean Founder and CEO Jan Skjoldhammer. MORE

151 | Carbon Complement | Energy Dome

We discuss the potential to use CO2 as a battery with Energy Dome Founder & CEO Claudio Spadacini. MORE

150 | Durable Durations | PowerGen International ’22 (Live)

We discuss the tools for long-duration energy storage with panelists from Burns & McDonnell, ESS, and Rye Development. Recorded live for the PowerGen International show in Dallas. MORE

149 | Limitless Lithium | Electrovaya

We discuss the potential of lithium batteries in the heavy-duty space and the bold pivot Electrovaya made to capture this market with CEO Raj Dasgupta. MORE

148 | Brick Batteries | Rondo Energy

We explore a thermal battery storage technology that could help levelize intermittent renewable supply for industrial customers with Rondo Energy CEO John O’Donnell. MORE

147 | Choice Champions | Joule Assets

We discuss how Joule Assets is signing up entire communities in New York on solar energy plans while saving them money with CEO Jessica Stromback. MORE

146 | Refiners’ Response | American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers

We discuss the recent blame game over high gas prices between the administration and the American refining industry with AFPM President & CEO Chet Thompson. MORE

145 | Coal Comeback | Euracoal

We discuss the (albeit) temporary return to coal reliance in Europe, and what it says about global energy policy, with Euracoal president Vladimír Budinský. MORE

144 | Driving Design | Dassault Systemes

We discuss the potential to model energy storage and EV systems virtually, with Dassault Systemes’ Senior Director, Transportation and Mobility Rick Sturgeon. MORE

143 | Stateside Steel | Origami Solar

We discuss the potential to build more solar panels domestically with Origami Solar CEO Gregg Patterson. MORE

142 | Canadian Carbon | Delta CleanTech

We discuss a new partnership between researchers and Canada’s preeminent carbon capture companies to evaluate new technologies. MORE

141 | Propane’s Promise | Propane Education & Research Council

We discuss the benefits and untapped potential of propane with the Propane Education & Research Council President & CEO Tucker Perkins. MORE

140 | Durable Diamonds | NDB

We explore the potential to use fission products from spent nuclear fuel to power everything from electronics to electric vehicles with NDB CEO Nima Golsharifi. MORE

139 | Colossal Chemistry | FuelCell Energy

We explore the benefits of large-scale fuel cells and their enormous benefits with FuelCell Energy CTO Tony Leo. MORE

138 | Louisiana Leadership | Cleco Power

We discuss a new project to capture and store carbon dioxide at Louisiana’s largest fossil plant, and the emerging role the state is playing in carbon capture and storage, with Cleco Power’s Bill Conway. MORE

137 | Customer Control | OhmConnect Energy

We discuss Texas’ unique history in retail energy markets and a new offering to give electric customers direct control over their power consumption with OhmConnect Energy President Don Whaley.MORE

136 | Smart Sinks | Soluna Computing

We explore the potential for computing to serve as effective “energy sinks” for renewable energy with Soluna Computing CEO John Belizaire.MORE

135 | Angle Advantage | Array Technologies

We discuss the benefits and surging adoption of solar tracking with Array Technologies’ Jon Sharp.MORE

134 | Innovating Isotopes | Curio

We explore a new proposal for nuclear fuel reprocessing in the United States with Curio CEO Ed McGinnis.MORE

133 | Recycled Renewables | Veolia

We discuss Veolia’s new solution to recycle wind blades with recycling operations senior director Chris Howell.MORE

132 | Burial Benefits | PDI2

We discuss the potential advantages to burying high-voltage transmission lines with Power Delivery Intelligence Initiative (PDI2) national spokesman Mike Beehler.MORE

131 | Reliable Response | CPower

We discuss the importance demand response plays in a world with ever more distributed energy resources (DERs), with CPower’s Kyle Harbaugh. MORE

130 | Bountiful Batteries | PowerGen+ Series (Live)

We discuss the path to commercialization and adoption for three non-lithium battery technologies, with panelists from Invinity Energy Systems, Urban Electric Power, and ZincFive. Recorded for the PowerGen Plus Virtual Series. MORE

129 | See-through Solar | Ubiquitous Energy

We discuss how Ubiquitous Energy balances the need for efficiency and a solar-powered window technology with VP-Strategy Veeral Hardev. MORE

128 | Efficient Extraction | Nth Cycle

We discuss an innovative solution for making mineral recovery more circular and sustainable, with Nth Cycle Co-founder and CEO Megan O’Connor. MORE

127 | Legislative Lessons | NAYGN Conference (Live)

We discuss the importance public policy plays in the health of our nuclear fleet with panelists representing Duke Energy, Nuclear Energy Institute, and NRG. Recorded for the NAYGN Carolinas conference. MORE

126 | Blockchain Buildings | SWTCH

We discuss how blockchain and a vehicle-to-building business model can create extra value for EV owners, with SWTCH CEO Carter Li. MORE

125 | Institutional Incubator | Wells Fargo

We discuss a new energy incubator model between financial institutions and national labs with Wells Fargo’s Ramsay Huntley. MORE

124 | Hidden Hydropower | NuSTREEM

We explore the benefits of small hydroelectric power with NuSTREEM General Manager and NHA Small Hydro Council chair Juliann Blanford. MORE

123 | Wonderous Wallcrawlers | Gecko Robotics

We discuss how Gecko Robotics’ wall-crawling robots are reducing downtime, costs, and accidents for our most important power plants with COO/Co-founder Troy Demmer. MORE

122 | Power Partnerships | PowerGen+ Series (Live)

We explore how strategic partnerships on renewable energy ventures are helping three major utilities, Dominion, Duke, and Eversource. Recorded for the PowerGen Plus virtual series. MORE

121 | Spikeless Solution | Eos Energy Enterprises

We explore the possibilities a rechargeable zinc battery could hold for the energy storage sector with Eos CEO Joe Mastrangelo. MORE

120 | LiDAR Lines | LineVision

We discuss how real-time LiDAR data could give utilities better information about their transmission lines and eliminate most congestion issues, with LineVision Sales VP Alex Houghtaling. MORE

119 | Sensational Scrubbers | Dry Scrubber Users Association

We break down scrubber technology and its role making energy generation as clean, reliable, and sustainable as possible, with DSUA President Jerry Hunt. MORE

118 | Dynamic Duo | Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Project (Dominion Energy)

We visit Dominion Energy’s Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Project, the first of its kind built in federal waters or owned by an electric utility, with Public Policy and Economic Development Director John Larson. MORE

117 | Generous Geothermal | Geothermal Technologies Office (DOE)

We discuss priorities for the Department of Energy’s geothermal energy office with program manager Alexis McKittrick. MORE

116 | Coal Considerations | PowerGen+ Series (Live)

We discuss three options for the nation’s coal fleet with panelists from Black & Veatch, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and Global Ventures Analysis. Recorded for the PowerGen Plus Series. MORE

115 | Powered Pumpers | Evolution Well Services

We discuss the advantages electric-powered pumping units or "e-fleets" have over their diesel-fueled counterparts in the fracking sector, with Evolution Well Services’ Nick Ruppelt. MORE

114 | Thermal Thinking | Viking Cold Solutions

We discuss how heat absorption technology is reducing energy usage and strengthening reliability with Viking Cold Solutions President and CEO James Bell. MORE

113 | Multitasking Meters | ConnectDER

We discuss how renewables and storage can be integrated into smart meters with ConnectDER CEO Whit Fulton. MORE

112 | Beaming Benefits | PowerLight Technologies

We discuss the opportunities for long-distance power beaming with PowerLight Technologies Co-founder and CTO Tom Nugent. MORE

111 | Star Storage | EnerVenue

We explore the advantages of metal hydrogen battery technology, originally developed for space but now poised to support energy storage expansion, with EnerVenue CEO Jorg Heinemann. MORE

110 | Ageless Assets | PowerGen+ Series (Live)

We discuss how fossil, nuclear, and renewable facilities can extend their lives with panelists from Babcock & Wilcox, Enercon, and Sargent & Lundy. Recorded for the PowerGen Plus Series. MORE

109 | Healthy Harmonics | Satic USA

We explore how correcting harmonics can reduce waste heat and even improve some people’s health with Satic USA CEO B.D. Erickson. MORE

108 | Molecular Milestone | Q Hydrogen

We discuss a new, low-energy method for splitting water into hydrogen with Q Hydrogen CEO Whit Irvin, Jr. MORE

107 | Directional Drilling | Gyrodata

We discuss how gyroscopes can accurately navigate oil and gas drilling with Gyrodata SVP Alan Bernard. MORE

106 | Lossless Lithium | EnergyX

We discuss a method for filtering lithium that saves significant amounts lost in the conventional pond process, with EnergyX Founder and CEO Teague Egan. MORE

105 | Dynamic Districts | Vicinity Energy

We discuss the strategy to achieve net-zero carbon for district energy networks with Vicinity Energy Chmn., Pres. and CEO Bill DiCroce. MORE

104 | Residential Reliability | Schneider Electric

We discuss the shift to residential energy use with Schneider Electric Home and Distribution Business VP Richard Korthauer. MORE

103 | Home Heating | Dandelion Energy

We discuss the possibilities local geothermal systems can provide homes and the experience emerging from the Google X incubator with Dandelion Energy CEO Michael Sachse. MORE

102 | Changing Charging | Beam Global

We explore the changing business models behind EV charging with Beam Global Chairman, President, and CEO Desmond Wheatley. MORE

101 | Storage Solutions | PowerGen+ Series (Live)

We discuss how emerging storage solutions fit in our energy landscape with GE, National Grid Renewables, Rye Development, and Highview Power. Recorded for the PowerGen Plus Series. MORE

100 | Fusion Forum | NAYGN Conference (Live)

We discuss fusion power’s path to commercialization with panelists from CFS Energy, General Fusion, TAE Technologies, and US ITER. Recorded at NAYGN’s virtual conference. MORE

99 | Fissile First | NuScale Power (Live)

We discuss NuScale Power’s plans following the announcement of their historic design permit approval with Director of Sales Dom Claudio. Recorded at NAYGN’s virtual conference. MORE

98 | Micro Management | Hitachi ABB Power Grids

We discuss the potential for microgrids to integrate into our lives with Grid Edge Solutions head Maxine Ghavi. MORE

97 | Plastic Potential | Brightmark

We discuss a solution for the world’s oceans and a second life for discarded plastics as affordable fuel with Brightmark Founder & CEO Bob Powell. MORE

96 | Coal Commodities | X-MAT

We explore a new future for coal as has valuable products with X-MAT CEO Bill Easter. MORE

95 | Intelligence Island | DARPA

We learn how a secluded New York island is preparing America’s utilities for cyberattacks with DARPA RADICS program consultant Mike Toecker. MORE

94 | California Conundrum | PTS Advance

We discuss the policies that have turned America’s largest economy into an “energy island” with Ron Stein. MORE

93 | Trending TRISO | X-energy

We discuss the potential of a nuclear fuel that could be used in everything from commercial nuclear reactors to spacecraft with VP-Commercial Operations Darren Gale. MORE

92 | Experiment Experts | National Carbon Capture Center

We discuss the benefits of a functioning coal plant and strong support staff for CCUS research with NCCC Director John Northington. MORE

91 | Radiant Reliability | Solcast

We discuss explore how new meteorological tools and analysis is making solar power more reliable with CTO Nick Engerer. MORE

90 | Fossil’s Future | Department of Energy

We discuss the potential for fossil fuels to make the biggest difference in a carbon-negative world with Asst. Secretary of Energy Steven Winberg. MORE

89 | Vigorous Vanadium | Invinity Energy Systems

We discuss the potential of vanadium flow batteries to support large energy storage projects with CEO Larry Zulch. MORE

88 | Plentiful Projects | Invenergy

We discuss the logistical and personal challenges building renewable, gas, and storage projects around the world with VP-Communications Beth Conley. MORE

87 | Fuel FAQs | American Petroleum Institute

We discuss OPEC, energy independence, and continual boom/bust cycles with API Chief Economist Dean Foreman. MORE

86 | COVID Communications | Con Edison

We discuss COVID messaging strategy with Corp. Communications Director Mary McCartney. Recorded for a Webinar hosted by E4 Carolinas + additional content. MORE

85 | Pandemic Preparedness | IEEE

We discuss energy trends and lessons learned by utilities during the COVID-19 quarantine with IEEE’s Aleksi Paaso. MORE

84 | Energy Equity | RadiantREIT

We discuss how more solar developers are retaining ownership of their projects thanks to new financing with Jim Spano. MORE

83 | Future Furnaces | FORGE (DOE)

We discuss how a new effort by the Department of Energy in Utah could hold the key to unlocking enhanced geothermal systems across the country. MORE

82 | Fuel Flexibility | GE

We explore how combustion turbines are using industrial gases and hydrogen to expand energy production options beyond natural gas. MORE

81 | Useful Utilization | NETL

We explore the possibilities of carbon utilization with NETL’s Joe Stoffa. MORE

80 | Great Grid | DistribuTech (LIVE)

We ask the question, “Are we living in a Grid Golden Age?” with Panelists from Siemens and HDR. Recorded at DistribuTech in San Antonio. MORE

79 | Subsurface Solution | NETL

We discuss opportunities to store Carbon Dioxide indefinitely with the Department of Energy-National Energy Technology Laboratory’s Andrea McNemar. MORE

78 | Stackable Storage | Energy Vault

We explore the possibilities of a gravity-based storage solution using cranes and blocks with Energy Vault President and CEO Rob Piconi. MORE

77 | Industry Insights | Innogy Consulting

We discuss the utility industry’s changing business model with Mackey McCleary. MORE

76 | Protected Plants | Total Tactical Defence Protection Services, Inc.

We discuss the pressing security needs of our nation’s energy infrastructure with Phrantceena Halres. MORE

75 | Holistic Hybrid | Wärtsilä

We discuss the evolving role diesel generators are playing in a hybrid renewable/energy storage system with Finland’s Wärtsilä Corporation. Recorded at PowerGEN in New Orleans. MORE

74 | Suspending Structures | Mosaic Materials

We discuss the potential of Metal-Organic Framework technology to efficiently capture CO2 from air, and how this California-based startup developed a strong research relationship with ExxonMobil. MORE

73 | Power Platform | Tractebel Overdick GmbH

We meet a company that is working outside the regulated energy market space to give customers more renewable energy options. MORE

72 | Clean Community | Arcadia Power

We meet a company that is working outside the regulated energy market space to give customers more renewable energy options. MORE

71 | Retail Renewables | Green Mountain Energy

We meet a company that is working outside the regulated energy market space to give customers more renewable energy options. MORE

70 | Gilded-Age Goliaths | The Current War

We discuss the excitement finally bringing this Edison vs. Westinghouse film to audiences, and the real-life drama involving the Harvey Weinstein fiasco, with screenwriter Michael Mitnick. MORE

69 | Solar Sustainability | 10Power

We explore the path to electrification in the developing world, as well as long-term global sustainability with Founder and CEO Sandra Kwak. MORE

68 | Progressive Projects | Community Energy

We explore the opportunities to develop 3rd-party solar projects with Founder & CEO Brent Alderfer. MORE

67 | Super Semiconductors | GaN Systems

We explore the potential of gallium nitride power semiconductors, the next-gen successor to silicon, and the path this technology could take to soon become the global standard. MORE

66 | Rapid Refueling | Plug Power

We discuss the potential for hydrogen fuel cells to power fleets and beyond, and how a Hydrogen Economy could be closer than we think. MORE

65 | Power Policy | NAYGN Conference (Live)

I host panel on "The Future of Energy" with representatives from Duke Energy, Southern Company, and Dominion Energy. MORE

64 | Fewer Flares | Bakken Midstream

We discuss the potential to end excessive flaring in North Dakota's Bakken Shale region and jumpstart a new economy with second-time guest Mike Hopkins. MORE

63 | Fission's Future | Office of Nuclear Energy (DOE)

We speak to Department of Energy’s Ed McGinnis about the potential of both Small Modular Reactors and the next generation of large-scale commercial facilities in the United States. MORE

62 | Renewable Roadmap | Geothermal Technologies Office (DOE)

We speak to Department of Energy’s Ed McGinnis about the potential of both Small Modular Reactors and the next generation of large-scale commercial facilities in the United States. MORE

61 | Ambidextrous Airship | Chaac Technologies

We meet a Utah startup that has a plan for producing hydropower and clean water from the atmosphere, using an unmanned zeppelin. MORE

60 | Biggest Battery | Dominion Energy

On location in Virginia, we tour the Bath County Pumped Storage Station, the largest energy storage facility on earth. MORE

59 | Milwaukee Milestone | Franklin Energy

Celebrating their 25th anniversary, we discuss the evolving energy efficiency sector with Wisconsin-based Franklin Energy’s Founder and CEO Paul Schueller. MORE

58 | Better Bituminous | Clean Coal Technologies, Inc.

We explore the potential to refine coal with New York-based Clean Coal Technologies, Inc., who have their sights set on world markets as power proliferates abroad. MORE

57 | Subterranean Storage | Apex CAES

We meet the Texas developer planning the world’s first compressed air energy storage (CAES) facility in 30 years, which will be the largest storage facility of any kind ever constructed. MORE

56 | Alkaline Advantage | Naval Research Laboratory

In D.C., we speak to NRL Researcher Debra Rolison, whose team has developed a way to safely recharge zinc alkaline batteries, which could possibly have several advantages over lithium ion cells in our greater energy needs. MORE

55 | CO2 Cycle | Net Power

We discuss how this Durham-based capital firm was able to develop a functional, low-cost, carbon capture technology, and why the initial pivot to natural gas might have been an unintended gamechanger. MORE

54 | Fleet Fuel | Naval Research Laboratory

In D.C., we discuss the potential to capture CO2 directly from the ocean, and convert it to fuel with Naval Research Laboratory research chemist Dr. Heather Willauer. MORE

53 | Dixie Diesel | Neowaste

We meet the entrepreneur of an Alabama startup who is converting discarded automotive parts into low-sulfur diesel at a fraction of the cost of conventional production. MORE

52 | Benthic Batteries | Naval Research Laboratory

In Washington, we explore the possibilities of using the ocean’s natural chemistry to power a fuel cell that can operate indefinitely on the sea floor. MORE

51 | Meltdown Melodrama | A Bright Future

We critique The China Syndrome at 40 and discuss why nuclear power is the key for a carbon-free future for both the developed and developing world. MORE

50 | Space Solar | Naval Research Laboratory

At the historic Naval Center for Space Technology in Washington, we explore the potential for solar power to provide abundant baseload energy if it can be beamed down from orbit. MORE

49 | Storage Supporters | Energy Storage Association

In Washington, we discuss the technological and political future for energy storage, and how this “industry within an industry” can benefit both traditional and emerging energy technologies. MORE

48 | Supermajor Subscription | Shell

We discuss Shell Energy Inside, a new subscription-based energy efficiency program on offer from the longtime supermajor. MORE

47 | Biological Breakthrough | University of Nebraska

UNL Professor Paul Blum explains how they smashed a theoretical record for producing hydrogen out of Thermotoga maritima, the bacteria found in underwater thermal vents. MORE

46 | Human Hydropower | NLine

We explore the potential of Conduit Hydroelectric, producing energy from existing municipal water infrastructure, with California-based NLine Energy. MORE

45 | Fusion Founder | TAE Technologies

We discuss nuclear fusion’s path to commercialization, the need for public acceptance, and the opportunities this power source can provide for a low-carbon future with TAE Technologies CEO Michl Binderbauer. MORE

44 | Global Gas | Freeport LNG

We explore the opportunities Liquefied Natural Gas exports can provide for the nation’s shale boom with Houston-based Freeport LNG. MORE

43 | Fantastic Flywheels | Amber Kinetics

We discuss the benefits of using steel flywheels for energy storage with Bay Area-based Amber Kinetics. MORE

42 | Online Offsets |

We explore blockchain technology’s potential to transcend borders and create a truly global market for trading carbon. MORE

41 | Lightning Larceny | Steve LeRoy

The inventor of one of the only successful lightning-to-energy technologies shares his crazy ride with a crook who ultimate used his patents as the basis for a $10 billion nuclear plant fraud scheme. MORE

40 | Best Brands | LarsEn Energy Branding

We discuss the value of smart branding in the energy sector with the world's leading authority, Iceland's own Dr. Fridrik Larsen. MORE

39 | Cinematic Cells | SimpliPhi Power

We learn how Hollywood-based battery technology making energy storage more reliable. MORE

38 | Warm Wattage | Climeon

Swedish-based Climeon shares the secret to sub-boiling water energy production from geothermal, steelmaking, and shipping. MORE

37 | Hydrocarbon Heat | University of North Dakota

We learn how the first successful commercial oilfield geothermal project took off with UND Professor Will Gosnold. MORE

36 | Kinetic Kilowatts | Constructis

In South Carolina, I discuss the untapped potential of traffic as an energy source with Constructis. MORE

35 | Pipeline Performance | Texas Pipeline Association

We discuss the critical role pipelines play in our energy mix with the Texas Pipeline Association. MORE

34 | Solar Suits | SEIA

We discuss the impact of tariffs on foreign solar panels, domestic power, and lobbying in the Trump era with the Solar Energy Industries Association. MORE

33 | Fissile Fuel | Lightbridge Corp.

We discuss a more efficient and safe nuclear fuel, as well as the future of waste and thorium with Lightbridge Corp. MORE

32 | Wireless Wattage | Solace Power

We discuss the benefits of near-field wireless technology and how it will charge our devices with Canada's Solace Power. MORE

31 | Successful Sequestration | NRG Energy

NRG Energy shares secrets to successful carbon capture and storage on a commercial scale at their Petra Nova facility. MORE

30 | Frozen Fuel | Ice Energy

Santa Barbara-based Ice Energy shares the secret to offsetting power demands of air conditioning with their innovative Ice Bear technology. MORE

29 | Car Capacity | Nuvve Corp.

We discuss the potential Electric Vehicles have to supply battery backup to the grid with Nuvve Corp., the world’s only Vehicle-to-Grid company. MORE

28 | Burundian BTUs | Terrastar Energy

We explore the untapped potential of trash, and how a small project in Africa could bring dramatic change to people’s lives. MORE

27 | Nifty Negawatts | Energy Bees

We explore the untapped potential of energy efficiency and the role diversity plays with Austin-based Energy Bees. MORE

26 | Oilfield Opportunity | Scott Energy Technologies

We explore the benefits of recycling drilling byproducts for useful oilfield applications with Scott Energy Technologies. MORE

25 | Mighty Mirrors | ATA Insights

We discuss the potential of Concentrating Solar Power, its impressive designs, and requirements for ideal power generation with Madrid-based ATA Insights. MORE

24 | Tiny Turbines | Capstone Turbine Corporation

We discuss Combined Heat and Power (CHP) potential on a smaller scale with Capstone's microturbine technology. MORE

23 | Buckeye Buckshot | Ohio State University

Ohio State researchers have developed an energy efficient carbon capture method using tiny iron pellets. MORE

22 | Drone Dynamo | Windlift

We explore the benefits of "power without the tower," with Windlift CEO and Founder Rob Creighton. MORE

21 | Historic Hydroelectric | Cube Hydro

Former Undersecretary of Energy and outgoing Cube Hydro CEO Kristina Johnston discusses hydroelectric’s still-untapped potential, renewable energy, and women in STEM. MORE

20 | Futuristic Fusion | Fusion Power Associates

The nation’s leading fusion energy expert shares his experiences and explains what it will take to make the ultimate energy source a reality. MORE

19 | Hydraulic Hydrocarbons | Select Energy Services

We discuss the critical role water plays in the fracking industry, from transfer to treatment. MORE

18 | Witty Wind | Barber Wind Turbines

We explore the benefits of a new wind turbine design inspired by amusement park attractions. MORE

17 | California Current | CalWave

A national leader in Wave Energy discusses the path to commercialization and the untapped potential of the coast. MORE

16 | Next-Gen Nuclear | SmrREC

SmrREC lead Joseph Smith explains why Small Modular Reactors hold the key to nuclear energy's future. MORE

15 | Engaging Environmentalism | Clean Air Task Force

Clean Air Task Force Fossil Transition Project Director John Thompson explains why carbon capture is necessary to combat climate change. MORE

14 | Famous Frackers | Gregory Zuckerman

We interview Gregory Zuckerman, author of The Frackers, about what lured this Wall Street Journal reporter to the oilfield. MORE

13 | Excellent EVs | Plug-in NC

We discuss the path to proliferation for plug-in electric vehicles with Advanced Energy's Plug-in NC program. MORE

12 | Stable Storage | Alevo

We discuss utility-scale battery technology and its potential to revolutionize renewable energy with Alevo. MORE

11 | Subterranean Steam | Chabourne

In Washington, we discuss the geothermal industry with a leading expert in renewable project finance. MORE

10.4 | TXU @ 10 | Company Correspondent

Former Reuters reporter Eileen O'Grady recalls her experiences covering the TXU expansion and the scoop that almost uncovered the buyout's secret. MORE

10.3 | TXU @ 10 | Climate Crusader

Jim Marston of Environmental Defense gives his account of the fight against the TXU coal expansion and his secret negotiations with the buyers. MORE

10.2 | TXU @ 10 | Crisis Consultant

Former Public Strategies managing director Tom Stewart takes us inside the TXU "War Room" to explore the role of the crisis consultant. MORE

10.1 | TXU @ 10 | Corporate Communicator

Former TXU media relations advisor Tom Kleckner discusses the challenges of getting the company message across when faced with environmentalists, rival energy companies, former Eagles frontmen, and city leaders. MORE

10.0 | TXU @ 10 | Introduction

I discuss the coal expansion and subsequent buyout of TXU Corporation, which remains the largest leveraged buyout in the history of finance. MORE

9 | Perry Policy | Jeff Merrifield

At an E4 Carolinas conference, I discuss the Trump/Perry energy policy with former NRC Commissioner Jeff Merrifield. MORE

8 | Carbon Currency | GT Environmental Finance

I talk to Austin-based GT Environmental Finance about carbon pricing, getting cooperation on state and international levels, and what it really means for our wallets. MORE

7 | Marvelous Marcellus | West Virginia Independent Oil & Gas Association (IOGA)

We discuss fracking, policy and dollars with the West Virginia Independent Oil and Gas Association. This was my first interview. MORE

6 | Coal Country | West Virginia Coal Association

We talk coal with Chris Hamilton from the West Virginia Coal Association. In 2016, he presented Donald Trump with a coal miner's hard hat, and that may have changed the course of American politics forever. MORE

5 | Generous Gasification | Proton Power

We interview the president of Proton Power, a gasification equipment manufacturer whose technology can convert biomass into hydrogen, synthetic diesel, electricity. Even its waste stream, the "biochar," can be used for incredible plant growth and low-cost graphene. MORE

4 | Farm Fuel | Genera Energy

In Tennessee, we speak to Genera Energy, a biomass solutions company that is working with farmers to develop better feedstocks for cellulosic ethanol. MORE

3 | Clean Conservatism | ClearPath

We discuss what conservative energy solutions really mean when we talk to Rich Powell of ClearPath Foundation, a conservative think tank. We also cover why climate change has been such a left/right issue, the benefits of lobbyists (!!!) when it comes to "making the sausage," and even Captain Planet. MORE

2 | Cool Fuel Cells | FCET

In our second episode, we witness history being made as Atlanta-based FCET demonstrates power from a hydrogen fuel cell at the lowest temperature on record. I then sit down with the company's president, Mark Deininger, to discuss Fuel Cell efficiency, market opportunities and advice for successfully navigating a startup. MORE

1 | Reliable Renewables | Duke Energy Renewable Control Center

On the first episode of Energy Cast, we visit the Renewable Control Center, a state-of-the-art monitoring facility run by Duke Energy. MORE